Brand Identity Design, Logo Design
2023, a forward-thinking tech company, embarked on a comprehensive brand sprint to uncover and articulate the core essence of its brand.
The sprint revealed's unique value proposition - its ability to solve real-world problems through innovative solutions that impact millions of people. This became the guiding principle for its brand identity, a beacon illuminating the path to a more distinctive and appealing brand image.

The brand design elements used by's competitors and aspirational brands were analyzed meticulously. The insights gleaned from this audit helped shape the development of's new identity. Most competitors used monograms or wordmarks, while aspirational brands utilized combination logos with iconic, abstract marks. found its own unique direction that would separate it from the competition but still resonate with the industry's trends.

The new brand identity embraced a palette of dark neutrals, iridescent colors, and neon gradients, drawing inspiration from the Bauhaus movement. Iridescent 3D graphics, monochromatic photographs, and neubrutalist design elements were incorporated into the brand's imagery. The typography echoed this innovative approach, opting for Neo-grotesque/Geometric sans serif and sharp serif fonts.

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The logo design variants in Design 2 were inspired by the image of tiling puzzles like tangram. This approach mirrors the brand's multifaceted and adaptable nature. It signifies the brand's ability to morph and adapt to any challenge, just as tangram puzzles can be manipulated into various shapes. The tangram-based logo holds promise for future brand extensions since the sub-brands could adopt a tangram-based logo in another form, reinforcing brand cohesion and recognition.

The rebranding of, grounded in strategic analysis and creative exploration, has resulted in a distinct and recognizable brand identity that truly reflects its core values of problem-solving and inspiring imagination.

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