Logo Design, Packaging Design, Illustration
Brakes & Brews
The logo design project for "Brake & Brews" was born out of the unique conceptual juxtaposition of two seemingly unrelated elements: disc brakes and a cup of brew.
The journey of this design project started with an in-depth conversation about the brand and its core values, leading to an innovative design concept that perfectly encapsulates the essence of "Brake & Brews".


The focal point of the logo is a pictorial mark that takes the form of a yin and yang symbol. On one side is a disc brake, symbolizing the "Brake" part of the brand name. The other half of the symbol is a cup, representing the "Brews". This pairing of two contrasting elements within a harmonious whole was inspired directly by the brand's identity - a unique blend of industrial and artisanal.


This concept was brought to life using a minimalist design approach, with clean lines and simple shapes forming the yin and yang symbol. The choice of an industrial yet classy typeface strengthens the brand identity, while its minimalist design ensures legibility across a variety of mediums, from digital platforms to print materials.

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The final logo successfully communicates the unique brand ethos of "Brake & Brews". It is a testament to the power of simple, yet thoughtfully crafted design, and the importance of understanding a brand's identity at the heart of any successful logo design project. The logo has been well received by the "Brake & Brews" team and their customers alike, proving that a well-conceived design concept can create a powerful visual identity for a brand.

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