Brand Identity Design, Logo Design, Brand Strategy, Social Media Design
Stocks & More
Stocks & More is faced with a problem with its identity: Stocks are often associated with the stock market and finance than with the items you store in a stockroom or pantry. Moreover, the current product offerings of the brand are so broad and it encompasses contrasting product categories (from art materials to food packaging).
As a brand identity designer, my goal is to create a brand identity system that would help establish Stocks and More’s true identity and avoid customer confusion.

Client Profile

Stocks & More is an e-commerce buy and sell shop offering wide array of grocery products, school & office supplies, garden and home materials that can be bought in bulk.

Target Market

People from 30-50 year old. Mostly family person attending to the needs of the household.

Brand Attributes

Simple, Straightforward, No-fuss.

Color Palette

With a simple brand identity design, colors would help set the brand’s unique identity. A warm red-orange color would set the brand apart from finance and stock market brands. Plus it adds vigor to a brand that wants to be simple.


Clean sans serif font is used to maintain simplicity and straightforwardness.

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